Housing For The Homeless
Next Step Home
Next Step Home provides 40 scattered-site apartments to disabled homeless and chronic homeless individuals and families residing in the City of Fall River. Participants are assisted with developing support systems and necessary skills to be self-sufficient. Available supportive services include case management and assistance with connecting to behavioral health treatment, securing employment, obtaining entitlements, and developing living and coping skills.
These skills, services, and supports empower participants so they experience housing stability and an improved quality of life.
- Housing search and placement
- Advocacy with landlord/tenant resolution
- Subsidized rental assistance
- Comprehensive case management
- Crisis intervention
- Psycho-educational groups
- Relapse prevention groups
- Residential substance use treatment access
- Outpatient substance use and mental health treatment access
- Coordination of emergency and long term psychiatric care
- Specialty services designed for those living with substance use and mental health disorders,
- HIV/AIDS, domestic violence trauma, and homelessness
- Referral to community based collateral services, educational and vocational programs, medical care, domestic violence support and other forms of assistance
Admission Criteria
- 18 years of age or older
- Homeless or chronically homeless in the City of Fall River
- Must have a disabling condition such as a substance use and/or mental health disorder, or be a victim of domestic violence or have a HIV/AIDS diagnosis
- Willing to authorize a CORI check, CORI report must be without warrants
- Medically and psychologically stabilized